


Surrogacy is a method of Assisted Reproduction where intended parents work with a gestational surrogate who carries and cares for their child until birth. The process requires medical and legal expertise including strong support throughout the journey.  Through IVF embryos are created in the lab at the fertility clinic which is then implanted into the womb of the gestational carrier. Gestational surrogacy helps in growing families in the case of couples who cannot have children on their own.

Why opt for surrogacy?

There are a few reasons why people choose surrogacy which includes the following:


Infertility is the main reason for people to choose surrogacy. Both male and female partners suffering from infertility issues such as pelvic inflammatory diseases, unexplained infertility, endometriosis, etc can opt for surrogacy. Especially when they have tried various infertility treatments yet couldn’t achieve the desired result.


When women pass the right age to conceive and bear a child she might opt for surrogacy. Some women might successfully give birth to a child even after the age of forty with the help of medications or treatments. While others might not be as lucky compared to them thus they choose a gestational carrier.

Unable to Carry a Baby to Term:

Some women might successfully conceive but might not be able to carry a baby to term due to psychological and genetic reasons. Thus in these cases, surrogacy can be the right option.

Trauma during Pregnancy or Childbirth:

Childbearing can be the most difficult phase, especially for women who have undergone traumatic situations previously. Though there might not have been issues in conception, the intended mother might have had complications during pregnancy or childbirth. This lasting impression impacts life to a huge extent thus; they might choose surrogacy to avoid undergoing the same traumatic experience.

Dr. Yamini Agarwal

Dr. Yamini Agarwal


IVF Doctor in Siliguri

11+ Years of Experience