5 Probable Causes Of Ovulation Problems And Infertility

5 Probable Causes Of Ovulation Problems And Infertility


Female infertility impairs or limits the ability of women to conceive a child. There are many probable causes of infertility among women, which may include problems with the fallopian tubes, ovulation, uterus, egg quality, or quantity. Among all the factors, issues with ovulation are the most common problem that causes infertility. 

If a woman experiences ovulation problems then she won’t be releasing the eggs on time, which will impact the entire fertilization process. You can contact one of the best IVF doctors in Siliguri if you are facing issues with becoming pregnant. The doctor will first recommend certain tests to determine the underlying cause and then will prescribe an effective treatment plan. 

Given below are some of the common causes that can lead to ovulatory issues and infertility. 

1. Thyroid Problems

There is a significant association between hypothyroidism and infertility. This is because in hypothyroidism the human body doesn’t produce sufficient levels of thyroid hormones, which can become a barrier during the release of the egg from the ovaries. 

The risk of miscarriage and improper foetal development can also be seen among patients with hypothyroidism. Continuous monitoring of thyroid levels and proper medication adherence is important to reduce the risks of permanent infertility.

2. PCOS 

Polycystic ovary syndrome or PCOS is a common gynaecological issue that severely impacts the normal functioning of the ovaries. Polycystic ovaries, irregular periods, and excessive levels of androgen caused by PCOS can interfere with ovulation. 

The follicles present in the ovaries are the place where the egg matures but in polycystic ovaries, the sacs become unable to release any eggs, which eventually stops ovulation. However, with proper treatment and lifestyle changes, most women suffering from PCOS can get pregnant. 

3. Pituitary Tumours 

Pituitary tumours or adenomas can also cause major ovulatory issues, which can lead to infertility. This issue of the pituitary gland can impair the entire hormone system responsible for ovulation. 

Sufficient levels of luteinizing hormone (LH) and follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) are important for ovulation but the production of both of these hormones is reduced by pituitary tumours. You can visit the best IVF centre in Siliguri if you are also suffering from this hormonal issue. 

4. Premature Ovarian Insufficiency 

Premature ovarian insufficiency (POI) is another ovulation issue that can cause infertility. In this disorder, the ovaries of a woman stop working even before the age of 45. As a result, the ovaries don’t release any eggs and also don’t produce normal levels of oestrogen. 

Some of the symptoms that women with POI may experience include vaginal dryness, hot flashes, low libido, night sweats, and frequent urinary infections. In vitro fertilization and hormone replacement therapy are the common treatment options for it. 

5. Diabetes 

Anovulation and menstrual irregularities are some of the common problems experienced by women with Type 1 diabetes. The imbalance of progesterone and oestrogen levels is the main factor that can lead to infertility, obesity, endometrial cancer, early menopause, and delayed menarche. 

Apart from these ovulatory factors, there can also be various lifestyle, health, and genetic conditions that can cause infertility. Pelvic ultrasound, Pap smear, blood tests, and pelvic exam are some of the diagnostic tests that the IVF doctors in Siliguri recommend for overall fertility evaluation. 

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