5 Common Risks Factors Of Female Infertility

5 Common Risks Factors Of Female Infertility


Infertility is a health condition which decreases the ability to conceive a baby even after trying for a year. Various gynaecological conditions such as endometriosis and uterine fibroids affecting the functioning of the female reproductive system can be the main cause of infertility. 

There are three main types of infertility that includes secondary, primary, and unexplained infertility. If you experience any of the symptoms of infertility then you can seek the guidance of an experienced IVF specialist in Siliguri who can conduct hysteroscopy, pelvic exam, ultrasound, or blood tests to identify the reasons behind infertility. 

Given below are some of the common risk factors that can lead to female infertility. 

1. Age

One of the major risk factors behind female infertility is age, where women who are in their 30s and 40s have decreased chances of becoming pregnant with natural conception. This is because, as you age your ovaries start to age and the number of healthy eggs starts to decline. 

Age also declines successful pregnancy by increasing the chances of chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs. The decreased ovarian reserve and underlying gynaecological conditions contribute together to reduce fertility rates. 

2. Obesity 

Obesity is another risk factor which can be associated with reproductive issues. It not only becomes a barrier in the natural conception cycle, but it can also decrease the success rates of pregnancy through assisted reproductive technologies. 

One of the main side effects of obesity is insulin resistance and this issue can cause anovulation, where healthy eggs are not produced every month. Some of the other complications of obesity causing infertility include high production of androgens and imbalance of other sex hormones. 

3. Abnormal Menstrual Cycle

Ovulation problems are the main cause behind abnormal menstrual cycle and this can also lead to infertility. Irregular periods, prolonged menstrual bleeding, and abnormal vaginal bleeding can be the major symptoms of various disorders such as PCOS. 

If not treated at the right time, the ovulation issues causing the signs will cause irreversible infertility. Abnormal periods also indicate anovulation where no mature eggs are released for fertilization, which makes it difficult to conceive. You can consult the best IVF doctor in Siliguri to treat these issues. 

4. Smoking 

The various health hazards of smoking such as heart issues and cancers are well-known to everyone but apart from these issues, smoking can also impact the female reproductive system. 

Smoking is often associated with low oestrogen levels, which is responsible for improper maturation and development of the eggs which causes infertility. The damage to the fallopian tubes and reduced ovarian reserve are also noticed among smokers. 

5. Hormonal Imbalance 

Another risk factor of infertility is hormonal imbalance, where the main hormones that can cause it are thyroid, luteinizing, follicle-stimulating, progesterone, and anti-mullerian hormones. The imbalance in these hormones can be caused by obesity, stress, PCOS, thyroid issues, and medications. 

If you are exposed to any of these risk factors then it is always a better option to contact a reputed IVF specialist in Siliguri. After determining the main cause of infertility, the doctor may recommend intrauterine insemination, fertility medications, IVF, or assisted hatching to attain the bliss of a successful pregnancy. 

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